Y6 Golf Tournament
On Tuesday 20th June, Y6 participated in the School Games Golf Tournament. Our Year 6’s really enjoyed trying out a new sport and playing with other schools. A big thank you to School Games and Dorrington School for such a great day. “I wasn’t sure...
World Ocean Day
On Thursday 8th June, we recognised World Ocean Day. Our Laudato Si leaders planned and delivered an assembly. This was followed by a Zoom session with a marine biologist who educated us about the impact climate change is having on our world’s oceans. Back to...
Y5 Quiz Night for Grove Court
On Tuesday 6th June, our Y5 children held a Quiz night for the local residents of Grove Court. When reflecting on our Catholic Social Teaching principle, ‘options for the poor and vulnerable’, Year 5 wanted to invite Grove Court residents into school,...
Laudato Si Leaders Litter Picking
Monday 5th June is World Environment Day. To mark this day, the Laudato Si leaders organised a litter pick around our local area. Back to Events...