St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School

On Thursday 20th June, Year 5 and 6 attended St. John Bosco Multi Academy Company’s first ever Sustainability Summit.

We were invited along with all other schools in the MAC to hear about the UN Goals and how each school is taking action to care for our common home, the earth. We have heard its cry and are inspired by Pope Francis to make a change. 

Year 5 presented on our recent work with Suez, a recycling company who visited St. Mark’s on World Environment Day. We showed everyone what we learned and how each class had taken action.

Year 6 then presented their work on deforestation and the effects this was having locally, nationally and globally. They showed what actions had been taken so far and shared our long-term plan. Our Laudato Si Leaders finished our presentation with sharing what they had been working on – a fantastic project with the Columbans called ‘Seeds of Change’, a tree project based on the Philippines. 

We love to talk about how we are taking Climate Action, next time you visit us, please ask!