St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School
Following the success of our ‘Cycle to School Week’, we are continuing our work with Bike Ability to enhance the personal development curriculum on offer to our children.

Over the next few years, our aim is to ensure all KS2 children are able to ride a bike and know how to do so confidently and safely. Bikeability cycle training equips children with vital life skills. Pupils not only learn to cycle, they gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. After Bikeability, children are better at responding to risk and report increased confidence. As a result, more children cycle to school which in turn improves mental health and wellbeing. This allows children to get more out of the classroom, improving their attention span and engagement. Healthier habits lead to increased attendance and improved academic results. Bikeability goes beyond a training course; it impacts children’s lives.

This week we ran our first Bike Ability session for those who can ride but needed to develop confidence and understanding of how to ride safely and take care of our bikes! Our Bike Ability Plan will allow for all KS2 children to take part and learn to ride during their time at St Mark’s.