St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Anxiety Workshop

Year 6 Anxiety Workshop

As part of our Life to the Full lessons, Year 6 were very lucky to have some visitors from Compass Mental Health Team who delivered a workshop on anxiety and the feelings we experience when we are anxious. We talked about the ‘fight, flight and freeze’ response and...
Reception’s Early Reading Workshop

Reception’s Early Reading Workshop

Reception did a great job at showing their parents how we blend with Fred. Following on from our phonics workshop in the Summer Term, showing how we teach sounds, parents joined in with our Word Time session today. Our parents learnt how we use our magnetic boards to...
Year 6 Recorder Concert

Year 6 Recorder Concert

As part of our end of year celebrations, Year 6 performed our first ever St. Mark’s Recorder Concert. They decided to invite our Year 2’s (who will start learning the recorder next year) as well as the rest of KS2, and of course their parents! Year 6 put...
Sustainability Summit

Sustainability Summit

On Thursday 20th June, Year 5 and 6 attended St. John Bosco Multi Academy Company’s first ever Sustainability Summit. We were invited along with all other schools in the MAC to hear about the UN Goals and how each school is taking action to care for our common...
Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 at the Islamic Exhibition Centre

Year 5 visited the Islamic Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. This trip was part of our Multicultural Week where we get to study a range of different faiths. “I really enjoyed learning about the Islamic faith. I liked hearing the different languages that they speak.”...
Year 3 Money Lessons

Year 3 Money Lessons

On Wednesday 1st May, Year 3 brought a lesson to life in line with Catholic Social Teaching and the rights of the individual to personal possessions. Children looked at money and its value accordingly. They were putting totals together and calculating simple bills....
Reception at the Black Country Museum

Reception at the Black Country Museum

Reception visited the Black Country Museum. We took a step back in time and had a hands-on experience with some toys from the past, had a lesson with a very strict teacher from 1912, explored the homes of the 1940’s and 1960’s, learnt the hand jive in the...
Year 5 at the Belgrade Theatre

Year 5 at the Belgrade Theatre

On Friday 9th February, Year 5 went to The Belgrade Threatre in Coventry to Watch the musical ‘Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World’. This performance was a great link to their History topic “The Changing Role of Women”. During the...
Year 4/5 Football Tournament

Year 4/5 Football Tournament

On Tuesday 6th February, we welcomed Y4 and 5s from St. Chad’s School within our MAC to play friendly games of football against our Y4/5 boys and girls teams. It was a wonderful afternoon, enjoyed by all. We are so proud of how the children encouraged and...