On Tuesday 17th October, God’s Rise Theatre Company came into school and taught the children about Stewardship and caring for God’s creation. The children enjoyed learning lots of songs and actions. The day ended in a performance from the company and...
Our Guardian Angels encouraged the whole school to wear green or an bright item of clothing to celebrate World Mental Health Day . They also ran a ‘Tuck and Talk’ session in the hall at break time, and sat with children who wanted to have a chat about...
Say hello to the newest members of our St Mark’s family, our new Reception class. They have enjoyed exploring our school and making new friends. We wish them well on their educational journey here at St Mark’s. Back to Events...
Our Summer Caribbean Fayre was in honour of The Windrush 75 celebrations. Lots of fun was had by all. Music was played on the steel pans, caribbean food was on sale and there was dancing from the staff and children. Staff and children also gave tributes to their loved...
To mark the 75th anniversary of the Empire Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on 22nd June 1948, the children experienced a wide range of workshops, in order to find out the impact and influences that the Windrush Generation had on Britain today. Through guest...
On Thursday 13th July, we celebrated vocations. On this day, we had several guest speaker visiting each class to talk to the children about their vocations. The children had the opportunity to reflect on what God is calling them to do. Back to Events...
During Summer 2, St. Mark’s focussed on the Catholic Social Teaching principle, ‘Dignity of Work’. Year 6 have been learning about the slave trade and modern day slavery. They decided to raise awareness of how slavery still exists today and what they...
On Monday 3rd July, KS2 enjoyed their Sports Day. It started with Mr Reid, an international GB athlete talking to us all about the importance of sport. We then, in our classes, moved around all the events, which included: standing long jump, relay races, javelin,...
On Sunday 2nd July 2023, Year 3 received the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It was a very special morning, celebrated with all the St. Mark’s community at Holy Name Church. Father Kuriakose described the children as ‘angels’. They certainly looked it in...