On Thursday 2nd March, all of the children at St. Mark’s celebrated World Book Day! We all came into school dressed in our pyjamas. Every class read the book The Invisible by Tom Purnell and completed a piece of writing all about the story. We all had a great...
We are pleased to announce that St. Mark’s has been invited by Services for Education, to become a Music Mark School. They have recognised the value that we place on music. It is a big achievement for our school. They thanked us for all our hard work and how we...
On Monday 6th February, Year 6 visited West Midlands Police Museum as part of their Crime and Punishment topic. We explored the lock-up and had 4 different sessions learning about crime and punishment over the last 800 years, the history of policing, how different...
On 31st January, we held our 1st SEND coffee morning. We were lucky to have speakers from the external agencies that work with us in school on hand to give talks about their role and also answer questions. We look forward to our next coffee morning in the Summer term....
On Friday 29th January, the children at St. Mark’s celebrated French Day. We all came dressed in red, white and blue clothes, ate delicious French food and completed lots of fun activities. Back to Events...