St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School
Care for Creation

Care for Creation

During the season of Creation, we praised and gave thanks to God for his marvellous creations. The children and Mr. Thompson, cared for and looked after our school envioroment. Back to Events...
Caribbean Summer Fayre

Caribbean Summer Fayre

Our Summer Caribbean Fayre was in honour of The Windrush 75 celebrations. Lots of fun was had by all. Music was played on the steel pans, caribbean food was on sale and there was dancing from the staff and children. Staff and children also gave tributes to their loved...
Windrush 75 Celebrations

Windrush 75 Celebrations

To mark the 75th anniversary of the Empire Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on 22nd June 1948, the children experienced a wide range of workshops, in order to find out the impact and influences that the Windrush Generation had on Britain today. Through guest...
Vocations Day

Vocations Day

On Thursday 13th July, we celebrated vocations. On this day, we had several guest speaker visiting each class to talk to the children about their vocations. The children had the opportunity to reflect on what God is calling them to do. Back to Events...
Good Shepherd Appeal

Good Shepherd Appeal

Our Mini Vinnie’s proudly presented a representative from Fr. Hudson’s Care with a cheque for the Good Shepherd Appeal. The cheque was gratefully recieved and the children learnt about how their generous donates would make a difference to the lives of...
The Feast of the Holy Trinity

The Feast of the Holy Trinity

Following Trinity Sunday on 4th June, St. Mark’s celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Year 2 learnt about how the number 3 is significant: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They spent time in prayer outside and searched for things in our...
Multi-Cultural Showcase 2023

Multi-Cultural Showcase 2023

To conclude our ‘Multi-Cultural Week’ in school, on Friday 26th May, St Mark’s put on a showcase! Parents and our local community members came to school and watch each class present what they had learnt about a certain religion and a country. They...