Who are Compass Birmingham MHST?
A national charity working with Children and Young People and families to support their mental health.
What is a Mental Health Support Team?
- Mental Health Support Teams are a prevention and early intervention mental health and emotional wellbeing service.
- MHSTs will increase the children and young people’s mental health workforce and increase capacity to support pupils as well as reducing barriers to accessing support by seeing children and young people in schools.
Key aims:
- Ensure CYP access the right help at the right time.
- To help CYP (5-18 years) to manage their feelings, worries, stress and anxiety.
- Work alongside education staff to develop and embed Whole School Approaches to mental health and wellbeing.

Why We Have Compass
Compass support our school to meet the emotional and wellbeing needs of children and their families. We recognise that the emotional wellbeing of children can impact on their education and family life.
At St. Mark’s we recognise that the majority of families will go through some difficult times at some point or another in their family life.
Often, this is out of the family’s control, for example; a sudden bereavement of a close family member, a relationship break up or a family illness are just some of the issues our children may experience in their school life at St. Mark’s.
We hope these things never happen but sadly they do and often, children struggle to cope and manage their feelings because events like these can be traumatic for children.
We pride ourselves on being a family school where staff support children with their emotions whenever they need it. Sometimes children may come in to school feeling a little sad and our staff will always try and help children to feel good about themselves but sometimes our children require extra support with their wellbeing so that is why we have Compass. In order for children to thrive and achieve their potential, they must feel happy and safe in school. Compass offer low intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy sessions.
Read more: Compass Birmingham
Our Compass Team

The team can provide Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (li-cbt) interventions for our children and families. Support is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. We support parents where their children are presenting as anxious or displaying challenging behaviours and we can also work with children directly to support them to understand anxiety, worry, stress and their emotions.

If you would like to find out more information about Compass Mental Health Support Team, please speak to a senior member of staff at St. Mark’s, as we would be very happy to help you.