Events Gallery
Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.

Reception’s Early Reading Workshop
Reception did a great job at showing their parents how we blend with Fred. Following on from our phonics workshop in the Summer Term, showing how we teach sounds, parents joined in with our Word Time session today. Our parents learnt how we use our magnetic boards to...

Rule of Law Day
St. Mark’s celebrated British Values Day, in particular The Rule of Law. Here are what our classes got up to: Reception explored Rule of Law during our British Values Day. We were lucky to have a visit from PC Manns who told us all about his role within the local...

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Our Mini Vinnies planned and lead a wonderful Macmillan Coffee Morning for our parents and local community to raise money and awareness about cancer. It was a lovely morning where we were joined by our parents, local PCSO PC Mans, Mr Campbell from St Vincet de Paul's,...

Zoom Session with Author Hamza Yassin
KS2 enjoyed a very special virtual event with CBeebies presenter and author Hamza Yassin as he presented his fascinating new book, Hamza's Wild World. We listened to information all about his new book as well as participated in an interview with Hamza, who shared lots...

Cycle to School Week
There was a real buzz in the air during w/c 23 September as it's our first year participating in Cycle to School Week, and our Laudato Si Leaders are on a mission to make our school more sustainable and are promoting ways we, as a school and a local community, can...

New PCSOs Appointed
Junior PCSOs is a leadership initiative developed by West Midlands Police and Neighbourhood Teams. The aim of the scheme is to empower school to tackle and educate in the issues of parking, bullying and litter around their school sites. It is also to raise awareness...

Year 5 Interfaith Prayer Service – Season of Creation
As part of our Mission Team work, our Catholic Life Leaders have been supporting the Columban Missionaries and supporting their Higanon Tree Planting Project. As we are in the season of creation, one of the team asked if they could plan a prayer service for the people...

Creation Mass
We enjoyed a special Mass celebrating the season of Creation. It was planned and lead by Year 5, who included their prayers from earlier prayer and liturgy. Year 3 arranged our prayer focus with different items that represented creation and Year 1 enjoyed singing a...

Positive Thinking Day
St. Mark's celebrated 'Positive Thinking Day.' To celebrate this special day in school, each child was given a sticker to take home. Their challenge was to write a positive thought on the sticker, decorate it and wear it to school. In every class, positive thoughts...

Year 6 Recorder Concert
As part of our end of year celebrations, Year 6 performed our first ever St. Mark's Recorder Concert. They decided to invite our Year 2's (who will start learning the recorder next year) as well as the rest of KS2, and of course their parents! Year 6 put on a...