Celebrating Our Faith
Here at St. Mark’s, we celebrate Our Faith in many different ways. Look at some of the special events that take place during our school year that have a particular focus or importance to our Catholic Faith.

Remembrance Day 2024
Reception Reception heard the story of 'a day to remember'. We learnt all about poppies and why we wear them. We completed our talk topic about this, completed crafts to remind us of this day. One pupil told a visitor to school "we wear a poppy to remember the...

Vocations Day 2024
On Wednesday 23rd October, we enjoyed a 'Vocations Day' at St. Mark's School. To celebrate this day, we learnt what a vocation is and how God calls each and every one of us to follow our vocation. We dressed up as something we inspire to be and what we believe our...

October – The Month of the Rosary
October is the month of the Rosary. During this time, Reception have been learning the Hail Mary prayer and KS1 have been practising all the prayers needed to pray the rosary. In KS2, we have been praying a decade of the rosary every day and this year we have focussed...

Harvest Festival 2024
On Thursday 17th October, we celebrated our Harvest Festival Mass. Our Mini Vinnies planned and lead a beautiful Mass where all children brought in donations to send off to Fr Hudsons Caritas and SIFA Fireside. We have worked closely with Fr Hudsons in the past and...

Open for Creation – Live Stream Prayer and Liturgy
St. Mark’s joined a live stream One Life Worship with Dan and Emily. The children participated through song and prayers with many other schools around Birmingham to celebrate the end of the Season of Creation. Dan and Emily bought worship alive with their animated...

Year 5 Interfaith Prayer Service – Season of Creation
As part of our Mission Team work, our Catholic Life Leaders have been supporting the Columban Missionaries and supporting their Higanon Tree Planting Project. As we are in the season of creation, one of the team asked if they could plan a prayer service for the people...

Creation Mass
We enjoyed a special Mass celebrating the season of Creation. It was planned and lead by Year 5, who included their prayers from earlier prayer and liturgy. Year 3 arranged our prayer focus with different items that represented creation and Year 1 enjoyed singing a...

St Valentine’s Feast Day
Mrs B, our school cook, was very busy baking lovely cake for Valentine's Day. All of our families had the opportunity to buy cakes to spread love to others and raise money for our St. Mark's Friends (school PTA). A big thank you to everyone that got involved and...

Tree Planting – St Columbans
Laudato Si Leaders worked alongside other children from across schools in Birmingham and Solihull today to plant tree hedges at St. Columban’s centre in Solihull. Look out for more work we are doing with St Columban's to care for our common home.

Good Shepherd Appeal 2024
On 6th February, Jo and Kevin from Fr. Hudson's led an assembly to launch the Good Shepherd Appeal. They told the children about the work of Fr Hudson's and where the money raised by the Good Shepherd Appeal will be going. The Mini Vinnies have been gathering...