St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School


Subject Intent

Our intent for History at St. Mark’s is that, the teaching of History will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain and the wider world. They will build a worthwhile understanding of History as a construct and know that the story of the past is told differently.

Our aim is to ignite children’s curiosity about the past, understanding that history is created from evidence that remains and sometimes this evidence is fragmentary and contradictory. We will ensure that children understand that all is not what it seems and encourage them to ask questions, test for reliability and form judgements of their own.

Our aim is that all children will become open-minded and respectful of evidence later in life. At St. Mark’s we will encourage children to think like detectives, hunt down clues and solve historical puzzles whilst learning about different aspects of the past and developing chronological understanding. We aim for our children to also experience history through fieldwork and historical experiences and provide countless opportunities. By the time our children leave St. Mark’s we aim for them to be curious of the past, always asking questions and be able to explain coherently what they have learnt.

To bring history to life for the children, many topics have artefacts boxes that they children can use to explore.  Allowing them to look at and interpret sources. 

Classes are also encouraged to go on class trips to learn a bit more about the period of history.

What our Children Say…

“Mary Seacole was told no, but she didn’t give up.  She built her own hospital to help the soldiers.” – Amyra

“I loved when the firefighters came to school to teach us about how they put out fires now.  It was different to how they put out fires a long time ago.  The Great Fire of London was a big fire.” – Ezekiel

“In The Stone Age, they made things out of stone.” – Spirit

“It is important to learn about what life was like in the past and how it has changed. We can also learn from the past.” – Joey

“I like looking at the artefacts and trying to find out what they were used for.” – Kane

“In Black History Month, we learn about black people and the changes that they have made.” – Kezzia