Mission Teams
Here at St. Mark’s we have a family of school mission teams who lead the way setting an example of how we can put our faith into action.

Catholic Life Leaders
Our dedicated Catholic Life leaders, lead the way for integral Catholic Life of our school. Their roles and responsibilities include the maintenance and monitoring of our dedicated prayer areas, hall space and prayer garden. They also plan and lead weekly ‘Gospel Gatherings’ with Mrs Linley, planning engaging ways to share the Gospel message with our school community. They meet regularly with Mrs Linley and Miss Dorsett to share their views and offer suggestions to improve the Catholic Life and Mission of our school. Each week, they assist Father Matthew in preparation for Holy Mass and worship.

Roles and Responsibilities
The Catholic Life Leaders are an integral part of our Catholic life and will be role models leading our school in faith, love and spirituality
Roles and responsibilities:
- Role models in living out our Catholic virtues
- Helping others prepare for Mass and Gospel Gatherings
- Ensuring prayer areas and spaces around school are presentable and treated with respect
- Lead prayer within the classroom
- Regularly take part in preparing and leading class worship
- Monitoring of prayer areas around the school
- Show by words and actions that everyone you meet that you know you are a child of God
- Attending and representing the school at Family Mass
Personal qualities needed:
- Faith-filled
- Team player
- Role model for behaviour
- Reliable
- Honest
- Good listener and communicator
- Well-organised and independent

Catholic Life Leaders 2024/25
What our Children Say…
“I help Mrs Linley to tell all the children about what Jesus teaches us.” – KS1 pupil
“We act out the Gospel to teach the other children the key messages. We do open prayer and lots of children join in.” – KS1 pupil
“We are Gospel activists. We take what the Gospel says and make it so that all of our school community can understand it.” – KS2 pupil
“We look at the prayer and liturgy that takes place in school and see how we can make it better. We plan Masses that are more fun and get people to come. Lots of our community come to Mass too.” – KS2 pupil
Rosary Club
The Rosary Club is dedicated to Mary – Jesus’ mother. The children are provided with the opportunity to learn about, explore and pray the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. They plan prayer experiences and challenges for the whole school to enjoy, especially during October and May. They plan our annual May Procession, a much-loved, special celebration.

Roles and Responsibilities
Taking part in saying the Rosary is one of the ancient and most sacred traditions of the Catholic church. If you are looking to deepen your faith and spirituality this is the club for you! The Rosary is one way of honouring and praying to Mary.
Roles and responsibilities:
- Learn about the different mysteries of the Rosary
- Have the opportunity to take part and lead parts of the rosary
- Explain to other classes about the rosary and why it is an important part of prayer
- Lead the rosary in gatherings
- Have the opportunity to use our beautiful prayer garden
Personal qualities needed:
- Reflective and thoughtful
- Interested in exploring their own faith and spirituality
- Respectful
- Good role model
- Demonstrate our virtues at all times

Rosary Club Members 2024/25
What our Children Say…
“We say Hail Mary prayers.” – KS1 pupil
“We pray the Rosary but in October it is a special month. Our parents come too and pray with us.” – KS1 pupil
“Rosary group is open to anyone and we all pray the Rosary together. We say it for special people or events we want to pray for. It happens at lunchtime.” – KS2 pupil
“Rosary Group plan and lead prayer and liturgy in school for other children and our community. We include scripture and teachings like the mysteries.” – KS2 pupil
Guardian Angels
Our Guardian Angels have been chosen for their care, kindness and generosity of spirit towards others in our school. The Guardian Angels are on hand, particularly at lunch and playtimes to ensure that everyone in our school feels welcome, happy and included. They look out for those in our community who may be struggling in anyway; they care for the elderly, support the homeless and show preferential treatment to the poor.

Roles and Responsibilities
A Guardian Angel is somebody who carries out God’s work daily, who treats all as God would treat others, who spreads God’s love and puts the needs of those who are struggling before their own needs. They recognise the we are all made in the likeness and image of God.
Roles and responsibilities:
- The role of a Guardian Angel is to look out for other members of our school community who may be struggling, with particular focus on the playground at break and lunch
- You will need to be prepared to be on duty throughout lunch and break time
- You will need to be able to think on your feet to help children solve problems and reassure them
- You will need to work as a team with your fellow Guardian Angels/adults to solve problems
- You will need to be on the lookout for children who are upset, lonely, left out or involved in disagreements
Personal qualities needed:
- Good problem solver
- Good listener and communicator
- Compassionate and thoughtful
- Good role model and lives out our virtues
- Patient and understanding
- Respectful of other people’s views and lifestyles
- Observant

Guardian Angels 2024/25
What our Children Say…
“We make people happy in school. We want a buddy bench.” – KS1 pupil
“Lend a hand, take a stand. Stop bullying now. That’s our school motto.” – KS1 pupil
“Our mission is to make our playground a happier and safer place. We look out for children who are by themselves or have no one to play with. We play games that everyone can join in with.” – KS2 pupil
“As well as at school, we think about how we can care for other people in our community. We help people at Grove Court by sending cards, inviting them for Christmas dinner and involving them in our activities.” – KS2 pupil
Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies follow in the footsteps of Christ and St Vincent de Paul. The Mini Vinnies are the youngest members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing help to people in need. They work closely with our Parish group of St Vincent de Paul members.

Roles and Responsibilities
The Mini Vinnies are the youth section of the St Vincent de Paul society. The purpose of the Mini Winnies is to explore and address those in need in our school and wider community. The aim of the Mini Vinnies is to explore social justice and living out our faith through action.
Roles and responsibilities:
- Meeting regularly to share ideas and thoughts around faith, beliefs, values and aims to help the school and local community.
- ‘See, think do’ – ideas of how to put faith into action
- Raise awareness about overseas aid
- Look at homelessness in the local area and how school can support this cause
- Explore poverty and charity and how our school community can provide help and support
Personal qualities needed:
- Passionate
- Caring
- Confident
- Compassionate, understanding and empathetic
- Interest in social justice
- Good listener ad communicator
- Willing to live out their faith through action
- Determined and strong-willed

Mini Vinnies 2024/25
What our Children Say…
“We try and get lots of money to help other people.” – KS1 pupil
“We help people like people that have no food.” – KS1 pupil
“We turn concern into action and help others. We are like St. Vincent de Paul and are inspired by his actions.” – KS2 pupil
“There are many charities that we support like British Legion, SIFA Fireside and Father Hudson’s. This year we want to support refugee charities that help people who come to our country.” – KS2 pupil
Laudato Si
Our Laudato Si club is inspired by the great encyclical created by Pope Francis on care for our common home. Our leaders ensure that we are doing all we can to be environmentally friendly around school and are pioneers in research and environmentally friendly school projects.

Roles and Responsibilities
The Laudato Si leaders are responsible for environmental and preservation issues in our school and local area. Your generation is beginning a revolution to save the environment for your future. Big shifts begin with small changes…
Roles and responsibilities:
Meeting to discuss how we can be more eco-friendly around school.
Work closely with Mrs Hussain and Mr Thompson to ensure we are making our school building more sustainable
Promoting around the school how we can make our school more sustainable
Researching environmental issues and causes in our local area
Helping to maintain the school environment and outside areas including the playground and prayer garden
Personal qualities needed:
Passionate about environmental issues
Interest in campaigning
Interest in the environment on both a local and global scale
Curious and inquisitive
Good communicator
Good team player

Laudato Si Leaders 2024/25
What our Children Say…
“We have to help the animals and not drop any rubbish.” – KS1 pupil
“I make sure my teacher turns off the light when we go to help the environment.” – KS1 pupil
“We think about ways in which we can care for our common home and small changes we can make. We tell the other children about it like cycling to school.” – KS2 pupil
“Pope Francis tells us the importance of caring for our common home in Laudato Si. We have to act fast to make the world a better place.” – KS2 pupil