Remote Learning Support
Whilst restrictions and lockdowns due to Covid-19 are going on, it is really important to continue to look after our mental health and wellbeing.
Here we have collated some resources to help you all during this time, as well as some of the ways to stay mentally healthy from CBBC’s Newsround and BBC’s ‘Own It’.
Remember we are all in this together – we are only a phone call away. Stay safe!
Coronavirus Support Links and Documents
- BBC Newsround: Coronavirus – how to support your wellbeing at the moment.
- BBC Own It – how to stay happy at home.
- BBC Own It – five ways to structure your day.
- Covid-19 Wellbeing Support Poster
- Coping with Child Anxieties caused by Covid-19
- National Centre for Children and Families – advice for young people.
Mindful Activities
As we all know, mindful activities can help us to focus on the here and now if we are worried, anxious or scared about anything. Try out a couple of the activities below, you might need a grown up to help you with some!
- YouTube: Five Finger Breathing – a simple guided breathing exercise for kids. A walk through super simple breathing exercise that you can teach to the children or young people in your care.
- YouTube: Relax and Breathe – for 10 minutes, do nothing but breathe. Clear your head, meditate, be free of worries for ten whole minutes.
Keeping Active
It’s great to see so many of you staying active during this time at home and this can have a really positive impact on our overall mental health and wellbeing. We have loved keeping up to date with @sportingelite and have seen that a lot of you are having a go at Kieran’s challenges which you’ve tried really hard with.
Below, there are another couple of links with different ideas of how to keep active either from home or when you’re out and about with family for your daily exercise.
When we are all in school we follow a strict routine. When we’re at home some of those routines aren’t the same – remember, that’s ok!
When we’re at home we need to make sure that as well as doing our work that has been set by class teachers that we are making time in our day to talk to the people in our houses about how we are feeling, getting some exercise, eating well, staying hydrated and most importantly, have some fun!
Check these ’25 Fun Indoor Activities’ out that you can try with your family:

Additional Support
Gingerbread: Support for Your Child’s Wellbeing – there may be times in your child’s life when they need a bit of extra support. Growing up brings its own worries, and your child may experience difficulties at school, at home, or as a result of changing family circumstances. Many single parents contact Gingerbread asking how best to support their children in difficult situations. This information page has details of specialist organisations and resources that can help.
NHS: Children and Young People’s Services – if you’re worried about your child’s development or wellbeing and you think they need extra support, speak to their GP, health visitor, teacher or nursery worker first. Ask for advice about what to do next to help your child. If you or your child needs more significant support, contact the children’s services team at your local council for a needs assessment.
The Book of Hopes – words and pictures to comfort, inspire and entertain children in lockdown.